Infralution Licensing - What to do if the automatic license activation for Civil Survey Solutions products fails
Posted by Shane O'Rorke on 10 October 2013 11:30 AM

Issue: The automatic license activation fails for standalone (or network) license activation.  What next?

The solution is in the Installation Guide (for either ARD or Stringer):


Standalone Off-Line License Activation

This is normally only required if sufficient internet connectivity/access cannot be obtained for the computer on which the software is installed.

There are 3 steps in this process:

Step 1.             Attempt Activation and Save the License File

Firstly, follow the normal steps for activation as detailed above (Steps 2 to 4 in the Online License Activation section).  This will generate a license file locally on your machine and prompt you to save.

  1. Select Save License and save it to a location that you have write access to

Step 2.             License Authentication from a Remote Computer

In this step, you activate your serial numbers online, and create your license files manually.  This can be done on any computer with internet access (does not need to be done from the computer you are installing the software on).

  1. Go to the web license activation service:
  2. Click on the button Choose File and choose the license file you generated in 1. Attempt activation and Save the License File.
  3. Click on Authenticate and save the authenticated license file to a location that you have write access to.  Note: do not save directly to the license file location

Step 3.             Save the License and Activate

Now that you have an authenticated license file, the last step is to save it to your computer and activate.

  1. Ensure that your CAD program is closed
  2. Rename the authenticated license file to CSSStandalone.lic
  3. Save this file to the license file location:
  • Windows 8 & Windows 7:    
    C:\ProgramData\CSS\ARD 2014\License
  • Windows XP:                                            
    C:\Document & Settings\All User\Application Data\CSS\ARD 2014\License
  1. Restart your CAD package and run any Advanced Road Design command.
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