CSD OneDrive & SharePoint Correct Setup
Posted by Casey Badcock on 23 August 2021 03:06 PM
Working with OneDrive & SharePoint you must first have the dwg & CSD data on your physical HARD DRIVE (so if dwg & data are already in the cloud download from Sharepoint/OneDrive first) and then upload to specified location in OneDrive (think of the cloud as merely a back up of the files you are working on)

Once your files are synced to OneDrive/Sharepoint you can then work on the dwg opening/copying it like normal WORKING from your physical hard drive (SharePoint/OneDrive should automatically update your files as you work on them - if this is not happening or you need back ups of your old files contact your IT support immediately).

NB: You must ensure your character length of file locations including file name do not exceed 256 characters, for more information regarding this please see the microsoft link below;

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