Civil Site Design - Export Pipe network to Civil 3D - Settings File Issues #
Posted by Shane O'Rorke, Last modified by Selwyn Pendergast on 13 March 2020 09:52 AM

Problems Creating Settings File for Export to Civil 3D Pipe Networks

As part of the process of exporting pipe networks from Civil Site Design to Civil 3D, you must create and update a 'conversion' file which associates pipes and structures in Civil Site Design to equivalent Pipes and Structures in Civil 3D.

This file needs to be in a particular format.  It is usual to firstly have Civil Site Design create the file - at the time of creation it will list every pipe and structure inside Civil Site Design, for mapping to an equivalent Civil 3D pipe and pit.

In V16 and V17.00, a problem has arrisen with the command that creates the initial file.  Normally you run the command:
Pipes Tab > Data Exchange Panel Dropdown > Create Civil 3D Pipe Network XML Conversion File from CSD Pipe Settings

This creates the source file named C3DPipesXML.txt , which you then open and edit in Notepad.  The file resides in teh Civil Site Design Settings folder.

The above command button is not correctly operating.  You should type ARDUV7DRAINC3DXMLTABLE at the command line to create the source file for editing.

If you have already created an empty text file, delete it from the settings and run the above command.

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