Civil Site Design is importing blocks that are 1000 times bigger than expected #
Posted by Shane O'Rorke, Last modified by Selwyn Pendergast on 13 March 2020 08:56 AM

Civil Site Design Pipe Network Blocks being inserted 1000 times too large

Depending on your drawing settings, when Civil Site Design inserts blocks to represent pits (inlets), catchments and specified inflows, they may show 1000 bigger than expected.

This relates to the drawing units, and specifically to the settings related to what happens when blocks are inserted.

You may need to make the following changes in the drawing to correct this problem:

In your drawing:

  1. Type -DWGUNITS at the command line
    1. Ensure that Unit for length is set to 6 (to work with metres)
    2. Accept the Linear display format
    3. Accept the linear display precision
    4. At the question 'Scale objects form other drawings upon insert', type N for No
    5. At the question 'Match INSUNITS to drawing units, type N for No
  2. Type UNITS at the command line
    1. Set the Insertion Scale to Unitless and click OK
  3. Delete and Purge the blocks
    1. Select all the pit blocks in the drawing and delete them
    2. Type PURGE at the command line.  In the purge form, expand Blocks and click on the pit block/s to remove them from the drawing library

When the software redraws the network items they should all display with the 'right' scales (use the command Pipes > Network > Redraw Network to force a redraw of the inserted blocks and text for pipe networks).

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