ARD Settings Being Lost
Posted by Shane O'Rorke, Last modified by Shane O'Rorke on 08 November 2010 11:09 AM

After installing ARD 2011.01 you open up a current drawing and the Settings are set to default values

This can occur on particular existing ARD 2010 (or earlier) data sets opened in ARD 2011.01.  The problem has been rectified in the ARD 2011.02 (and later) build.

After installing ARD 2011.02 you need to re-check and fix your settings by:

  • Starting the Active Drawing Settings command
  • Visiting each Tab and ensuring that values are as expected.  Some notable tabs to check are:
    • Connection Point Codes: these will likely be set to ETW - make sure to set them back to EB
    • Styles
    • Kerb Details: will likely need to reset the templates and batters
    • Road Details: likely need to reset the Template for Roads
    • Modelling - check the Surface style and other settings
    • Cross Section Usage: this is CRITICAL as the default has likely reverted to defaulting to plot NO outputs.  This results in these output settings being applied when you make your next ARD object (road, kerb, string, etc)
    • Layer Names

ARD 2011.01

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