How do I get rid of or edit the automatic vertical curves that turn up where side roads meet main roads at the intersections?
Posted by Shane O'Rorke on 02 April 2012 12:01 PM

When you create an intersection, ARD automatically matches the main road levels in the side road vertical grading. At the same time it can create additional IP's to generate vertical curves to transition smoothly from the side to the main road.

These 'Auto' Vertical Curves are not controlled in the VGE - they form part of the definition of the Road string.

You can edit these vertical curves (or turn them off) by resampling the road (or you can set it when you create the road). To do this:
1. Click on Roads > Edit Panel > Resample Cross Sections.
2. Click on the 'Set Auto VC Ease' button
3. In this form, set the Cut Setting and Fill Setting to suite - set it to Never to remove the IP locking for any automated VC to the intersection.

You can also set any defaults you want by editing the Active Drawing Settings for the current drawing. These controls are located in the Roads tab. This will control all new Roads created for that project.

If you want this default to be set for all NEW projects, make the same changes in the Global Drawing Settings form.

Version: ARD 2008 and above

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