ARD 2013.01 - Alignments / Roads error
Posted by Grant Lyons, Last modified by Grant Lyons on 27 July 2012 04:18 PM
Version: ARD 2013.01 There is an issue with the 2013 release of ARD in regards to the reading of alignments when creating roads. If there are alignments created in the drawing with the description r- ARD will use those to create road objects, but if you create a new alignment with the description r- ARD does not recognise them. This also occurs with strings and again if you edit an alignments geometry after you have created a road or string. The problem is currently being repaired by the software development team as a matter of urgency and a new release will be issued as soon as possible. In the meantime a workaround is to go to the General Tab and click on Release License. This unlocks the ARD file, when a new ARD command is issued ARD will reread the file and all the alignments will be free to use again. We will update the article when the new release is available. Thanks for your patience. Version: ARD 2013.01 | |