How to Import Corridor-EZY subassembly
Posted by Grant Lyons, Last modified by Greg Cattarin on 21 September 2013 05:49 AM

Version: Civil 3D 2012, 2013 + 2014

The CadApps catalog does not exist anymore.

To install the Corridor-Ezy sub-assembly by using the following method.

  1. Open tool palettes.
  2. Right click in the title bar and choose New Palette, give it a name.  This step is optional, you can add the sub-assembly to any existing palette.
  3. Right click again in the title bar and choose Import Subassemblies...
  4. Click on the icon to the right of the Source File field and navigate to "C:\ProgramData\CSS\ARD\Common\common-10"
  5. Choose the "ARD-Corridor-20**.pkt" file, matching the Year version for Civil 3D you are using.
  6. Pick Open, then choose the tool palette to Import to: you just created and click OK.

Note: The subassembly maybe called "cadappsBasicLane" in your Tool Palette.

Version: Civil 3D 2012, 2013 + 2014

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