Knowledgebase: Civil Site Design (prev. Advanced Road Design)
Model Builder adjusts transparencies and doesn't return them to defaults
Posted by Shane O'Rorke, Last modified by Greg Cattarin on 26 July 2013 06:11 AM
Unfortunately, certain actions in Model Manager can result in it not closing properly and not reinstating the transparency values you had set. We're still trying to sort out what makes this happen.
There is a command in the software (type arduv7modelutilities at the command line) that may enable quick reinstatement of the transparency controls. This is only available in ARD V14 and later versions. There is a tick box on this form to reinstate transparency controls. You can also force open or force closed the model builder form, as required. Failing this, transparencies can be manually reset to all off. Type la at the command line to bring up layer manager Click on a layer, then press [ctrl]+[a] to select all layers | |
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