ARD V13 and V14 - What's New
Posted by Shane O'Rorke on 08 July 2013 09:07 AM

ARD V13 heralded a change in the way we handle the design and documentation processes of ARD, with a clear focus on improving dynamics and interaction.

ARD V14 built on this functionality with new features:

  • New licensing sytem
  • Ability to add sections on the fly - also when you're in the VGE, Design Data Form or Model Builder
  • Function to create draped strings from multiple alignments - select the sampling, surface and a template and the string will be automatically draped onto the surface
  • More control of AutoModel - linework and surface
  • New variation of Match slopes - automatically gets the slopes between two codes and applies this.

This web page describes the new functionality and includes videos:

You might want to know what we added to ARD V13.  In summary, the following new features were included:

  • Automatic plan drafting, updating as you edit the design.  
  • Export of plan drafting to 2D or 3D polylines for other AutoCAD editing
  • Generation of a fully dynamic ARD Quick Surface, updating as you make design edits.  You can selectively export this out to AutoCAD objects or to Civil 3D Surface when required
  • Multi Object Setout - setout of multiple strings at once, and more setout control
  • Driveways tool - create and edit driveway grades including vehicle clearance checks
  • Model builder - rewrite of the modelling tools - easier to create and edit models and they dynamically react as strings are edited
  • New Enquiry tools - enquire chainages/levels as you click around
  • Roundabout improvements

We recorded some in-depth videos on these new features for you to download and review:

You can also get good information from our YouTube videos.  here is a sample:


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